This is week 1 from Part 1 of ‘The Explorer’ fully resourced English planning for Upper Key Stage 2 children (ages 9-11).
Part 1 contains a six-week series of English lesson plans (30 x 1 hour), which carefully flow from one lesson to the other. The scheme creatively follows the four main characters’ adventures deep into the Amazon jungle. Throughout the first six weeks of this scheme, the children will be learning a range of grammar techniques: word classes, conjunctions, adverbials of time, and ellipsis. They will also be honing their reading skills by developing character profiles, summary and predictions lessons and identifying key details. In addition, they will be writing two extended pieces of writing: a non-chronological report and a biography.
This scheme of work will engage your children right from the very first lesson! They will be immersed into the Amazon jungle, a tangle of adventures, dangerous challenges and come face to face with the explorer! Not only will the children be completing engaging, exciting and differentiated tasks in each lesson, but they will also be captivated by our hand-drawn images.
Teaching From Text has included ALL the resources you will need for this scheme: detailed but easy to follow lesson plans, WAGOLL text examples, bespoke teaching videos, word mats, differentiated activities for each lesson, research sheets and posters for your Working Wall. As teachers ourselves, we know how hard our job is and there is simply no end to our ‘To Do’ lists! So Teaching From Text aims to readdress the balance by providing you with a thorough, fully editable scheme of work so you can take back your evenings, weekends and holidays!
Part 2 of this scheme of work will be launched in the New Year before the February half term.
Please note that this scheme and ‘Journey to the River Sea’ share some of the same resources (as they are both based in the Amazon) so we advise to do either scheme but not both.
You can download Week 1 for FREE right now!