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Environmental adventure fully resourced English planning


Updated: Jun 9, 2024

This is week 1 of a six-week English scheme of work which has been centred around ‘Song of the Dolphin Boy’ by Elizabeth Laird. It tells the story of Finn; he’s a young and lonely boy who struggles to be accepted by his peers. His father does not seem to give him the love and attention he should, and he will not let Finn near the waters where they live. However, he does have some hidden secrets about his son! The book follows Finn’s journey as he tries to make friends and learns his true identity, as well as trying to prevent further plastic pollution in the ocean to protect the dolphins. This scheme includes a clear and thorough focus on plastic pollution in our oceans; this is a current topic which children should be aware of. This fully resourced English planning based on an environmental adventure links perfectly with many topics:

  • Environment

  • Oceans

  • Looking after our planet

  • Pollution

Teaching From Text. English Planning. English schemes of work. English units of work. English lesson plans. KS2.
Book cover published by Macmillan Children's Books

The full scheme includes 30 x 1 hour English lesson plans written for Years 3 and 4 (age 7-9). All Learning Intentions come from the National Curriculum for Reading, Writing, Vocabulary, Grammar and Punctuation for Lower Key Stage 2.

During this unit, the children have three extended writing tasks:

  • Narrative Writing

  • Explanation Text

  • Persuasion Text

Many grammar objectives are also covered throughout the scheme. These include single and plural apostrophes, expanded noun phrases, direct speech, conjunctions of time, causal conjunctions, adverbials of time, fronted adverbials and present tense. And there is more! In addition to this, the fully resourced English planning based on an environmental adventure also covers many reading objectives, including performance poetry, character profiling using inference, using a dictionary, retrieving information from non-fiction and debating. This scheme of work will save teachers a lot of time! Each resource you will need for the whole six weeks is provided within the scheme. This includes differentiated activities, research, posters for the Working Wall, handouts for the children, success criteria checklists and high-quality written examples of extended writing expectations. Finally, all resource illustrations are hand-drawn and bespoke teaching videos are used to engage the children further.

So you can get a real feel for the scheme, download week 1 for free by following the link below.

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